
In the process of understanding my own journey as a woman/individual/photographer/artist I’ve started to question the impact migration, displacement and mobility had on my family and how this has been carried throughout our lives. For a couple of years, I’ve been longing to return home, but I don’t mean home as a physical place, I mean it as a feeling to reconnect to my ancestral past and memory. In this search, I began to look for archive photos of family members who I never met, like this photo of my grandpa who passed away when my dad was 5 years old. My family tells me he was a musician, he traveled around playing the double bass for a san juanito band that originated in his hometown. I wish I had met him.

Feet Under

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As waves crash, over and over, my senses awaken, the memories pass through my eyes, and I understand that as sea waves come and go, so do people.

Mientras las olas rompen, una y otra vez, mis sentidos se despiertan, los recuerdos pasan por mis ojos y entiendo que asi como las olas del mar van y vienen, tambien lo hace la gente.

Reimagining Oneself

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We are reflexions of our actions, we did not get lost, we only forgot the path to the source. Silence the mind and listen to your heartbeat, it will guide back to where you belong.

Somos refleccionesde nuestras acciones, no nos perdimos, solo nos olvidamos el camino a la fuente. Silencia la mente y escucha los latidos de tu corazon, te guiaran de vuelta a donde perteneces.

Recognizing the Sacredness

Some of us often overlook the importance of having clean water, because we live in big cities where water is accessible. For indigenous people having clean water is crucial for their survival. They recognized the sacredness of life and how important is to protect water from pollution and waste. These two Sapara kids have the gift of till having a clean river to play, swim, play and fish, but this is at risk due to threats of extractive activities near their territories.

Perceiving The Landscape

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The desert as a “physical landscape.” For some the desert might be seen as a symbol of survival, because of its arid terrain with no vegetation. For me, the desert symbolizes freedom and infinite access full of crisscrossed lines and patterns. It’s a place with its own identity, and form.


Dead Horse Point State Park, Moab UT 2019

Dead Horse Point State Park, Moab UT 2019


“She has been feeling it for awhile now — that sense of awakening. There is a gentle rage simmering inside her, and it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her — she will nurture it and let it grow. She won’t let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel and finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core — this is her time. She will not only climb mountains — She will move them too.”

—Lang Leav



How wonderful it is

to look up at night

and find yourself

surrounded by the beauty of our universe!



for our Earth, for our families, for ourselves! WE RESIST.