Ecuadorian Indigenous Women on why they march

Women from different Indigenous nationalities traveled from their territories to the city of Puyo on March 8 to march through the city's streets as they do every year on International Women's Day as a symbol of their ongoing resistance and to demand equality, a dignified life, health, the defense of their territories and to raise their voices against violence.

Photos edited by: Virginia Lozano

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Razones por la que mujeres indígenas Ecuatorianas marchan en 8M

Mujeres de diferentes nacionalidades indígenas viajaron desde sus territorios hasta la ciudad de Puyo para reunirse y marchar juntas por las calles como lo hacen cada año como símbolo de su continua resistencia exigiendo igualdad, una vida digna, salud, defensa territorial y alzar sus voces contra la violencia.

Fotos editadas por: Virginia Lozano

© 2025 Tatiana Lopez.  All rights reserved.
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