Cosmic Unity
“Cosmic Unity” is the name given to a project where 5 to 6 artists come together to create a group Mandala. This piece of art is intended to represent unity as a community, as well as, a form of guided meditation that promotes peace and balance in our lives. In addition, the purpose of each Mandala is to remind each of us the relationship that exists between human and the infinite cosmos. Throughout years, Mandalas have been described as the language of the soul, because of the powerful impact it has in personal development and the spiritual practices by different cultures around the world. The creation of a group Mandala bring artists and the community together into a deeper, artistic and spiritual interaction that will be shared with the public in order to promote LOVE, PEACE, BALANCE and most importantly, UNITY among our communities.
Mandalas are the language of the soul, in Sanskrit means, "Circle". They describe both material and non-material realities, mandalas appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community. In other words, a mandala is a complex abstract design that is usually circular in form. Mandalas generally have one identifiable center point, from which emanates an array of symbols, shapes and forms.
The Sri Yantra is a symbol of Tripurasundari, the supreme goddess of Tantra. It is the symbol of nine intersecting triangles within a circle or lotus, and is an interpretation of divine feminine energy intersecting divine masculine energy, the balance of yin and yang.
Colors Representation
White: The delusion of ignorance becomes the wisdom of reality.
Yellow: the delusion of pride becomes the wisdom of sameness.
Red: the delusion of attachment becomes the wisdom of discernment.
Green: The delusion of jealousy becomes the wisdom of accomplishment.
Blue: the delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom.
“We live in a world that can extend both beyond and within our bodies and minds.”